It has been a while since I participated in 5 Question Friday but wanted to join in on the fun today!  You can head on over to My Little Life if you want to play along too!

1. Are you looking forward to the time change this weekend?
Absolutely 100% positively NOT!  I have always hated Spring Forward.  I swear it makes me tired clear through until Fall Back!  I really wish they would do away with it and just leave it one way or the other.

2. Are you getting the new iPad/would you want a iPad?
I actually would rather get a Tablet.  I am not an iFan as I find there are certain things I can't do on iDevices that I can do on other devices and that makes me feel a little like I am part of a hostage situation.

3. If money was not a problem, what is the one thing you would splurge on?
Travel.  There are so many places I want to show my children.  I'd love to be able to one day say, oh you learned about Asia this semester in school?  How about we go there for a tour during the next school break.  I also love tucked away hidden jewels of places that aren't necessarily on the beaten path and have the time and money to go find them.

4. How did you and the Mr. (or Mrs.) meet?
Through friends of friends of friends I suppose.  Technically it went like this - my BFF's ex-boyfriend's sister's husband's BFF's uncle's stepson.  Got that?!

5. Summer is right around the corner. Bikini or one-piece?
Tank-ini.  For sure. 


Momma Mac said…
Do you have any more BFF's with ex-boyfriend's sister's husband's BFF's uncle's stepsons because I am tired of looking on my own.....
Saturday Sadie said…
I loved your answer on #2, especially where you said, "... makes me feel a little like I am part of a hostage situation." That's EXACTLY how I feel! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Great answers! Really enjoyed reading and learning a bit about you =)

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